Neuezeit Absurd


Rated: 0/5

A typeface that combines minimalism, modernity, and futuristic aesthetics, Neuezeit (which means new era in German) has 1 weight in uppercase and lowercase plus multiple alternates for more dynamic combinations. Its clean lines give your designs a contemporary and memorable technological look.

[Update: Rounded softened version added]

The Designer wanted this font so bad, he had to rush to get it immediately
THIS IS NOT AN ERRORRRR: ABCDE-F GHIJKL*MNOP#QRST/UVWXYZ”!.01234567891.0a-#Mm-Aadvancements in artificial intelligenceNnOoPpARrSsTtUu: Vvw;*ABCDE-F GHIJKL*remarkable achievement MNOP#QRST/regulate the development/UVWXYZ”!-BcDde**EFf.GgHh=Ii.Jj*//machines have taken//KkLl#Mm-NnOoPpARrSsTtUu: Vvw;*DATA CORRUPT EOF.
The Rounded Designer wanted this font so bad, he had to rush to get it immediately
License Type

Personal, Commercial


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